Monthly Archives: August 2016

Ecocriticism: New article published

What really matters in life? What are the real ‘products’ or ‘items’ of essential importance, and how can we recognise and protect them? The ideas were widely discussed during the 2009 strikes in the Francophone Caribbean.

For my analysis of this important recent moment in Francophone Caribbean history, and the insights it provides on attitudes to work, play, and the environment, see my most recent article, which has just been published and is available online for free.

Here’s the abstract:

This article undertakes a cultural and political examination of the Manifeste pour les ‘produits’ de haute nécessité, a manifesto co-authored by a collective of leading Martiniquan cultural figures, including Patrick Chamoiseau and Édouard Glissant, in response to the general strikes of 2009 in Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, and Réunion. These strikes focused metropolitan attention on the high cost of living or ‘la vie chère’. After a discussion of the aesthetics of the manifesto, with particular attention to the dichotomy it develops between le prosaïque and le poétique and the wider role of culture in challenging neo-liberalism’s global hold which is advanced by the Manifesto, this article introduces the new methodology of biopolitical ecocriticism. A biopolitical ecocritical reading of the manifesto, building on the biopolitical work of Foucault through reference to ecocriticism and the philosophical works of Edgar Morin and André Gorz, reveals the fundamental links between global governance and natural life, raising urgent questions about the relationship between language, life, the environment, history, and politics.

And here’s the link to the article:

I’ll leave you with this for a couple of weeks, as Zobelproject is taking its annual break! See you in September!